2, SPREADSHEET TO SUPPORT COSTS REFLECTED ON. 3, THE SF-425, FEDERAL FINANCIAL REPORT. 4, Lead Center Disbursements. 5, Ledger Acct Numbers*, SBA Funds ($), Cash Match ($), In-Kind Match ($), Waived Indirect ($).
According to Archdiocesan policy §1104.12.2, a cleric who has engaged in sexual misconduct with a minor will be Most Rev. Joseph L. Bernardin. Archbishop of Chicago bee - Clergy Personnel Board ..-'Fr. Kealy's File. Mary Sullivan ndm iucd IO !he I Iii no is Rar in. 1no 1 /haJ-Aa fi~"t~. Mary Yunger, Director. Office of Ministerial Evaluation. AOC 015633. Chicago - Kealy - PDF Page 115 of 958 2019年5月7日 Torrentファイルを開き、実際に中のファイルをダウンロードする時、かならず必要になってくる『Torrentクライアントソフト』とはいえ、マイナーなソフトも合わせれば20種類以上あり、”どのTorrentクライアントソフトを使えば良いのか. Designated Military Officer (3.a.2): The Detainee spent the four years before his capture file. Detainee (through translator): That's very good. Presiding Officer: And we will spend hours more as we make our decision Del.ainec: I "A-a:;: worried from the Saudi government because in that time if they know Designated Military Officer (J.b.J ): The detainee stated he stayed at the Syrian house didn't like the war~ as rar as I was there that was my understanding and after l came here. J [,2.S?] ol jr:EU .i:,C Ef |\4?t*r: .ti .;:t Ltr-. lt'al) *-n (,,fr, *-f)J lt,ht) *.'f @.b, *f)l f [t - L_] l-a 1y) aJ rlt /: ( L ) l:-*l3r'rrlElD I Ltl/.,€*RX{t:6*{L4:yLt> tJ *f. hn, rt &lr- t("r 6l Y+tffit 4th6 ttLt:L t{ 5\. ft itlf,En B ff t: f,ffir'L f=rtAT tt, aa It uz frr 4- ll. t'J l:t1"t:J Y€Jof t. I;&+btEffit'I) Yt I U' L
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